Comprehensive & Authoritative Content
It all starts with content. The importance of good content cannot be understated. If you have the most informative and useful article on a particular topic, it will eventually climb up the ladder with just organic SEO.
With Hybrid SEO we are just speeding up that process.
(See our live page here: Heel Pain Doctors Gilbert)
Important considerations:
- 1000 words or more (this article has 3,841 words).
- Table of Contents for better user experience (especially for long pages like this one).
- Page title (h1) and SEO meta based on target keyword (Heel Pain doctors Gilbert)
- Well researched content with statistics sprinkled in.
- Limited or no stock images. Some stock images are fine, but the more real pictures you can use the better. We have tested this and concluded real pictures improve user egagement and Google rankings.
- Quotes from the expert, especially for medical or legal pages. The expert in this case was a “heel pain doctor”.
- Brief bios of the doctors at the bottom of the page. We have tested this too and have concluded this increases Google’s E.A.T. algorithm signals (Expertise, Authority, and Trust).